We began this movement inspired by many women - but most of all, by the life work in service of women, of Cecile Richards.
Amongst her long list of accomplishments, for 12 years Cecile advanced the fight for women’s reproductive healthcare as the CEO of Planned Parenthood. In 2019, she co-founded Supermajority, a political action group to build engagement of women as voters and in 2023, she co-founded a chatbox called Charley which provides information on how to access medication abortion by state zipcode.
Cecile was diagnosed some months ago with glioblastoma. Yet despite this very challenging health journey, she perseveres in the work necessary to protect the right to reproductive healthcare for all women.
Cecile's determination to stand up and speak out in support of women, continues to inspire women across the nation, to mobilize and get engaged on many fronts... so that future generations of young women and girls will have the freedom to make choices about their our own bodies because of the action we collectively take to ensure that today.
It's time to mobilize, again. We need to flood the zone with awareness and empowerment. This site and our pink hats are at the core of this effort. Get yours here.
The path to regaining our freedom of choice, is by electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, holding the Senate, taking back the House, blocking super majorities at the state level, voting for state level Attorney Generals who will defend our rights, stop the election of judges and justices who will deny our bodily autonomy and vote for state level ballot initiatives that repeal abortion bans and enshrine our rights to reproductive healthcare in state and federal constitutions.
In order to accomplish this, we must come out in massive numbers, in every state, for every election - together, voting out every single person determined to control us and take away our freedom. We will not accept being subjugated as second class citizens, our bodies controlled by other people. And we will win!
Get the full playbook on How We Win here.
This website is the foundation of our community, with strategies on HOW we will win, HOW to fight for ourselves, HOW to get informed on the issues, and knowing WHO to vote for to TAKE OUR BODIES BACK.
Make no mistake - THIS is a fight. A fight for us and for all the women, all the daughters and all granddaughters we love. It will not be easy. But together, we stand empowered. Together, we are a force to be reckoned with.
It’s not about red state or blue state. It’s not about what party you belong to or have affiliation to. It’s about voting out elected officials seeking to oppress us as women and replacing them with those who will fight for our freedom when we elect them.
Every election, every state, every level.... every year!
2024 is just the beginning.
The fight is here and our sword is our vote.
Please go through this website. It’s been built for you, for us as a community, to be made aware of the facts when we are being flooded with malicious misinformation, and to be empowered to stand for our freedom of choice.
Join us.
Welcome to our women's freedom movement.
With signs, posters, stickers & buttons.
With pink hats
and patches to add to your own (as long as its pink)
Follow the Latest News
Engage with monthly events
Be aware of national and state level issues
Understand the facts, the science and your rights
Learn How To Get Involved
Know which candidates will protect your rights