Those who want to control our reproductive freedoms want us to be misinformed and afraid. Let's change that together!
This site is the foundation of our community, with strategies on HOW we win, HOW to get informed, WHAT's at stake, WHY it matters, and WHO will work to represent us in our fight to restore, protect and enshrine our right to reproductive healthcare and freedom of choice.
Please go through the website and come back often as content is added. It’s built for you. Designed as a teachable forum, where young women and men, fathers and their daughters, grand daughters and their grandmothers, students, colleagues, community members, friend groups and beyond, will engage in a learning community, to understand the issues, the science and the facts; together gaining insight to share with the people who love us, so we are all informed, empowered and motivated to take our bodies back.
The freedom of choice is determined by regaining our bodily autonomy. The path to restoring that freedom is to exercise our vote as our voice, electing ONLY those who stand with us in having equal rights to our own bodies.
VOTE accordingly!
The work to be done requires we all take action.
Phone banking is a great way to speak to other voters in your district, your state or with voters anywhere in the country.
Canvassing allows you to act as a surrogate messenger for the candidate. It's a great way to inform people about the issues, register new voters or confirm voters are registered with correct address as well as knowing where their correct polling location will be on November 5th, 2024.
Reach voters where they are: Get the Freedom of Choice message out. Share info about a candidate, encourage everyone to register and VOTE
Get informed and engage others on the threat to our freedom of choice and our nation's democracy!
Are you frustrated with the elected officials making decisions impacting your daily life… and how they'e impacting change? Have you ever considered running for elected office to do something about it?
Poll workers are a critical part of our democracy, upholding free and fair elections to ensure everyone’s vote = voice!
Join a grassroots movement of women and the people who love them, to restore, protect and enshrine every women's right to reproductive healthcare and freedom of choice.