How We Win

Those who want to control our reproductive freedoms want us to be misinformed and afraid. Let's change that together!

This site is the foundation of our community, with strategies on HOW we win, HOW to get informed, WHAT's at stake, WHY it matters, and WHO will work to represent us in our fight to restore, protect and enshrine our right to reproductive healthcare and freedom of choice.

Please go through the website and come back often as content is added. It’s built for you. Designed as a teachable forum, where young women and men, fathers and their daughters, grand daughters and their grandmothers, students, colleagues, community members, friend groups and beyond, will engage in a learning community, to understand the issues, the science and the facts; together gaining insight to share with the people who love us, so we are all informed, empowered and motivated to take our bodies back.

The freedom of choice is determined by regaining our bodily autonomy. The path to restoring that freedom is to exercise our vote as our voice, electing ONLY those who stand with us in having equal rights to our own bodies.

VOTE accordingly!

Though many of us will never meet in person,
our vote and our voice will show up as one.
If you love a woman, Vote for them on November 5th, 2024 - Grateful  🕊️

Does your state have early voting? VOTE early and then work to Get Out the Vote!

The Playbook

The work to be done requires we all take action.


Phone Bank

Phone Bank 

Phone Bank for a candidate

Phone banking is a great way to speak to other voters in your district, your state or with voters anywhere in the country.


Go to the candidate’s website and link to ‘volunteer’ or call their office for phone bank info
Visit to choose a phone bank

Block Walk 

Block Walk

Block Walk for a candidate

Canvassing allows you to act as a surrogate messenger for the candidate. It's a great way to inform people about the issues, register new voters or confirm voters are registered with correct address as well as knowing where their correct polling location will be on November 5th, 2024.


Go to the candidate’s website, link to ‘volunteer’
Call the candidates office to sign up to Block Walking Events
Gather friends to go block walk
The Project2024 - Neighbor2Neighbor is a "neighbors talking to neighbors" block walking initiative of Learn more.
Join a Block Walk at



JOIN a Text or letter writing campaign for a candidate
and Get on Demcast!

Reach voters where they are: Get the Freedom of Choice message out. Share info about a candidate, encourage everyone to register and VOTE


Go to the candidate’s website, link to ‘volunteer’ or call their office for letter writing or text campaign info
Sign up at, a nonprofit organization that "trains and support volunteers to write letters with an easy platform to join a letter writing campaign."
DemCast is the digital hub for the pro-democracy movement. GenZ digital natives, do your thing - create viral posts for Freedom of Choice!





Donate the candidate via their website and link to the Donate button
Go directly to ActBlue, a non profit, fundraising PAC often used by Democrat candidates. They have links to search for and donate to most Democrat candidates of your choice, running in any race, in any state and at any level of elected office

Speak Out

Speak Out

Advocate for Freedom

Get informed and engage others on the threat to our freedom of choice and our nation's democracy!


Educate people on Project 2025! The frightening plan for Trump's second term that will change all our lives - as explained in The People's Guide to Project 2025 by Democracy Forward
Work to get out the vote in states with abortion related amendments on the November ballot.
KFF Ballot Tracker
Understand how The Comstock Act will further restrict women's bodily autonomy.
The Threat to Abortion Rights You Haven’t Heard Of by
Annalies Winny, John Hopkins/Bloomberg School of Public Health

Run For Something

Run For Something

Run For Something

Are you frustrated with the elected officials making decisions impacting your daily life… and how they'e impacting change? Have you ever considered running for elected office to do something about it?


Visit Since 2017, Run for Something has recruited and supported nearly 100,000 talented young people across all 50 states to run for state or local office to advocate for progressive policy.
Know This: In 2022, 259 of Run for Something's 490 endorsed candidates WON!! 58% women, 54% people of color, 25% representing the LGBTQIA+ community and 10 GenZ candidates
Check out where they WON and are now impacting change and policy in the lives of others
Good listen to learn more: interview of Run For Something Founder, Amanda Litman, on Fast Politics podcast with Molly Jong-Fast / April 8th, 2024

Poll Worker

Poll Worker

Register to work at the polls

Poll workers are a critical part of our democracy, upholding free and fair elections to ensure everyone’s vote = voice!


Power the Polls "shares everything you need to apply to be a poll worker in your community". Learn more.
Register to be a poll worker. Applications available at local Voter Registration office. Learn more.
Recruit young voters, new voters and high school pre-voters as poll workers to learn/motivate civic engagement! Learn more.

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make” - Jane Goodall

On November 5th, 2024,
We Come Together to Vote For Freedom of Choice

Join a grassroots movement of women and the people who love them, to restore, protect and enshrine every women's right to reproductive healthcare and freedom of choice.

Women's March protest photo

“No woman should be told she can't make decisions about her own body. When women's rights are under attack, we fight back.” - Kamala Harris, 2017